SuperData reports on Fortnite revenues are "wild inaccurate" - Epic Games - FORTNITE - Video Pavel News, Instructions, Exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

The developer holds the company's methodology for "questionable".

Epic Games is free to play FORTNITE: Battle Royale was unbelievably popular, although reports to a decline in sales have pointed out since its introduction. This data is often provided by the market research company SuperData, but Epic Games does not match the overall reports. In a recent statement published against, a representative described the company's reports as "extremely inaccurate".

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"Superdata has and has never had access to Epic's vierzehn days revenue data and SuperData reports do not reflect exactly against FORTNITES performance. We are disappointed that SuperData has repeatedly written inaccessible reports about published _Vierze days based on one in our opinion of a questionable methodology. "

"We have and have no public sales figures for shared Vierze days We will say that the reports of SuperData do not match reality. "It should be noted that EPIC did not address a specific report from the company. However, SuperData has noticed this Vierze days Digital sales in its most recent report at the lowest level since November 2017, which may have made a nerve.

SuperData issued an answer to EPIC and found that it has the reported revenue and has a "proven methodology and a proven validation process". The time will show where that leads, but even if the revenue is falling, Vierzehen days is still one of the world's highest-rate games. It is also strong in terms of new content and support with Season 2 of fortnite: Chapter 2 recently published.

Tags: Android, Epic Games, Fortnite, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, SuperData, Xbox One