Best settings for executing Fortnite on a Mac

If you play Fortnite on a Mac, you may experience image frequency problems. Many Mac are not exactly designed to be excellent in the performance of games, but you can make some changes to get a better experience. You will probably need to make sacrifices if you want to get decent refresh rates, so keep that in mind.

Before playing Fortis on your Mac, you should always make sure that no additional program runs in the background. Make sure you close everything you do not need and try to make sure you run the game itself.

Now, launch the game and go to the video options menu. Change your settings to the following values:

  • See the distance - near
  • Shadows - Disabled
  • Anti-aliasing - disabled
  • Textures - Low
  • Effects - Low
  • Post-treatment - weak
  • Vsync - Disabled
  • Motion blur - disabled
  • Show FPS - On

Load in a game and pay particular attention to your FPS counter. You should have a goal that you want to reach, and if it is greater than this goal, you can improve the parameters a bit, if it is less than that goal, we must make even more sacrifices.

Return to the video settings and reduce the display resolution. Lower it with a step, then come back and play another game and check your image frequency. You will have to find a compromise between the resolution and the frequencies of images, and find a common ground that suits you.

Image frequency in radio receivers The reason it helps so much is that mac screens tend to be high quality high-resolution screens, which means that the machine tries to push a lot of pixels when you play games. A lower display resolution should have a very positive effect on your image frequencies.

If you always have to try to scare some additional images, access audio settings and reduce audio quality will release a small amount of processing power and should give you one or two additional images.